TransAir Shipping is a more competitive choice
when it comes to shipping expedited, nextday, and two-day
 LTL and truckload shipments
throughout the South/Southeast.

TransAir's logistics systems will help your company
 streamline your shipping requirements,
 help you be more competitive and guarantee that your
shipments  arrive on time and
in your customer's hands faster and safer.


Our transportation lanes extend from our Glasgow, KY hub to
IN, IL, OH, KY, TN, GA, FL, AL, MS, AR and MO
with ground, nextday and two-day service
of Expedited, LTL and Truckload shipments.

TransAir is flexible to meet your transportation needs
 fast and efficiently!!

We haven't forgotten customer service!!!

Our mission is to build TransAir Shipping through the development of customer relationships that become long term partnerships.  Customer service is a high priority at TransAir Shipping.  We will work as a team to improve and enhance the way our customers transport shipments across the South/Southeast.

Give TransAir a call to discuss your
shipping and transportation needs:

(877) 961-SHIP (7447)

Your Sensible Souther Overnight Shipping Alternative